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Common House And Research Center With Library

Reuse Project of  Two Old Factory Buildings and A Modern Way of Commune Life

2017, Yedikule ISTANBUL

According to the analysis, the evolution of the shoreline in time shows that the site was once by the sea. The recreational area on south of the site is agricultural area. The connection between neighborhood is not  efficient, but the project site has been considered as city  scale service. The ideological connection is more  advanced than the physical connections thus the it came out from the contemporary conditions of neighborhood, history of the area and the city need. The project area was industrial with gas holder. With the history of the site, brownfield and community garden concepts have to be considered in terms of urban agriculture.


Productive urban landscape is open urban space planted and managed in a way as to be  environmentally and economically productive, For example, providing food from urban agriculture, pollution absorption, the cooling effect of  trees or increased biodiversity from wildlife corridors.

Urban agriculture is agriculture which occurs within the city in most cases high yield market gardens for fruit and vegetable growing found on the ground, on roofs, facades fences and boundaries. Some types of urban agriculture are, sprawls, brownfield sites, greenfield sites, community gardens.

Master plan was developed within ideological approach and the theme of the studio which is symbiotic. Area offers home for volunteers as it can be visited daily at the same time. It is tried to be isolated from urban structuring by several trees surrounding which contributes many different opportunities.

Old factory ruins are used to build common house and research center with library, without touching the existing walls which only remains, the walls used as boundaries of the courtyards, minimal white design allows the visitors to feel the contrast in between old and new also to have different library or accommodation experience.

The structural load bearing elements in the project are load bearing concrete walls and thin steel columns. Steel columns are used to provide open view to courtyards. Load bearing walls are used to have private areas and they are both carrying the flat roof. In the common house, the windows of the rooms are designed to have linear connection with openings of the existing ruins. The study room in the library is semi opaque to separate the main hall but not to lose view. In the courtyards shallow pools are used. Minimal, clean and white design is selected to have contrast between ruins and new structures, also to have peaceful atmosphere.

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